''Kenny the Shark'' is an animated television series produced by Discovery Kids. The show premiered on NBC's Discovery Kids on NBC from November 1, 2003 and ended February 18, 2006 with two seasons and 26 episodes in total having aired. It is about an anthropomorphic tiger shark named Kenny that decides to move out of the ocean. He was the protagonist and main character in the series. This was not Kenny's first appearance, however. In the late-1990s, a series of shorts ran between regular programming. Kenny was not seen, as the camera was from his point of view. A contest was held to guess what kind of shark Kenny was with the result being a tiger shark. ==Characters== * Kenny the Shark (voiced by Jim Conroy): The main character and protagonist. He is a tiger shark. Kenny is a comical character with a go-lucky attitude. Kenny was tired of life in the ocean and he went on the surface, where he is able to walk on his tailfins and breathe air like humans. He can't control himself when he hears or sees a seal. Kenny lives with an 11-year-old girl named Kat (who is the only human that can talk to Kenny) and her family (who can also talk to Kenny—rarely). He loves eating chum, Seal pops, seals, and sushi. Like most anthropomorphic animals, Kenny is able to walk, but he uses his tail fins as feet. Age: Approximately 14 years, 15 in "He's Gotta Have It". * Katarina "Kat" Cassidy (voiced by Kelli Rabke): An elementary/middle school student who is the only one who can speak Kenny's language. She is Kenny's owner. Kat is optimistic and fun loving, but prone to trouble, and Kenny is her best friend. She possesses rather unrealistic characteristics. She usually wears sandals like her parents, but later in the series she wears tennis shoes. She is Biracial. In the episode "I Love the Nightlife", it has been revealed that Kat's full name was Katarina. In the episode "The Check Up", it was revealed that Kat is afraid to go to the dentist. Age: 11 years * Karl Cassidy (voiced by Karen Culp): Kat's little brother. He thinks that Kenny is a dog. He doesn't appear in most episodes. Age: 1½ years * Grace Cassidy (voiced by Karen Culp): Kat and Karl's mother who dresses somewhat like a beatnik, and Peter's wife. Grace is a psychiatrist and runs her practice at her house. Grace is always kind and caring, and she loves Kat, Karl, Kenny, and her husband equally. Kenny sometimes accidentally scares off her patients. Age: approximately 40 years * Peter Cassidy (voiced by Russell Horton): Kat and Karl's hippie father and Grace's husband. Peter is eco-sensitive and owns an organic grocery store. He gives Kat and Grace nicknames related to fruits and vegetables. Peter doesn't like Kenny because of his constant eating, shedding his teeth, and his tendency to break public property which costs Peter in fines. He once said, "One baby and one shark are enough" in the episode "Kenny the Dad." Age: approximately the same as his wife * Oscar (voiced by Nicolas King): Kat's Mayan best ''human'' friend seen in ''Who Framed Kenny the Shark?''. He has a huge interest/obsession in the Mayans, from whom he descended. Age: 11 years * The Phoebes: A group of three popular girls that share the same name. There is a blonde Caucasian (the leader), a Latina, and an African-American. The blonde and the Latina wear sandals like Kat. Kat tried to be friends with them, but soon realize they are not nice. They are now Kat's rivals and always call her "sea dweeb" because she loves sharks. They once "stole" the lead drummer (and the song) for Kat and Oscar's band, whom Kenny replaced. At first, they were afraid of Kenny, but they like him for his cuteness after seeing a movie called "Finding Nimoy" about a baby shark named Nimoy on a journey to return to his parents. The girls are a parody of the Heathers. The Phoebes do not hate Kat and Oscar; they just want them to be normal. Kat once said she would enjoy Kenny eating them if it were not illegal. One of the Phoebes alone appear in ''Who Framed Kenny the Shark?''. Ages: Approximately 12 years *Burton Plushtoy III (voiced by Oliver Wyman): An obnoxious rich kid and Kat's other rival who wants Kenny to be in his own private collection of exotic pets. He has been foiled by Kat twice. Plushtoy is a spoiled brat and a stuck up snob. He is the only true villain in the series. Age: 11 years * Marty (voiced by Rob Bartlett): A Dachshund and Kenny's other best friend who gives him occasional advice, which usually doesn't help. Kat seems to understand Marty as much as she understands Kenny. His owner looks like him (or is it the other way around?). Age: approximately 7 ''human'' years * Elly (voiced by Amy Love): A Bull shark from the aquarium, on whom Kenny has a crush. She appreciates Kenny being himself, and doesn't like him when he's not. After Marty helps save her from becoming sushi, she is shown batting her eyes at him when Kenny was going to bring her flowers. He throws them in the trash and leaves the aquarium. She is not seen or spoken of outside these two episodes. Age: slightly older or younger than Kenny * Capt. Ahearn: The local, somewhat crazy sailor captain who thinks all sharks are dangerous and tried to catch Kenny and kill him thinking that he is trying to protect Kat. After Kenny saved him from guard dogs, only because Kat commanded him to (which presents a real problem in ethics, considering Kenny wasn't even the one who put Capt. Ahearn's life in danger, so they still wouldn't be even even if Capt. Ahearn died), they all become friends. He helps Kat and Kenny sometimes, and they helped him with a sleepwalking problem once in "Over the Ocean". Age: about 60 years * Brock: A local muscular former paperboy who appears to be a few years older than Kat. Like Kat, Brock also plays soccer. She used to crush on him, making her lose attention to Kenny. Jealous, Kenny scares Brock away ''twice'', entirely on Marty's recommendation. He quits his job, thinking that he is under pressure. When the new paperboy, Larry, informs Kat about this, she spirals into depression, and Kenny tells her what he did. He insists to make it up to Kat, who says "I doubt it (Kenny can make it up to her )," even though she deserves to make it up to him, for ignoring him. When she learns that Brock already has a girlfriend, she impulsively lies to him about being in a relationship with Larry (in whom she clearly has no interest). She apologises to Kenny, and a teenage boy comes to fix the pool. Kat falls in love with ''him'' (even though he's probably married at his age), and Marty says, "I've seen this before." Age: 14 years * Grandma Pat: Kat's grandmother. She loves Kenny. In the episode, "All You Can Eat", Kenny takes advantage of her for feeding him. * Lola: Marty's girlfriend as seen in ''Kenny in Love''. * Dr. Flossmore: The neighborhood dentist as seen in ''The Check Up''. His last name is a parody on how he wants kids to "floss more". He had a bad eyeglasses prescription, causing him to mistake Kenny for Kat, Kat for Karl (who doesn't appear in this episode; or most episodes), and a water fountain for Grace. Age: 47 years * Ms. Hattie: An ill-tempered elder seen in ''Naughty Naughty Kenny'' who seems nice at first, but then becomes "bad to the bone". Age: approximately 77 years. * Gezabelle: Ms. Hattie's pet cat seen in ''Naughty Naughty Kenny''. * Buster the Orca: A fierce-looking orca whale with a temperament to match. He thinks lowly of Kenny (due to tiger sharks being his natural prey), and has him do his bidding by threatening to swallow him. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Kenny the Shark」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク